Our PTO Motto:

Our PTO Motto:
The practice of people working together to improve the quality of school-life for all students, teachers and families.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 27, 2014 PTO meeting minutes

Waukee Elementary/Vince Meyer Learning Center
        PTO Meeting – Monday, October 27th, 2014

·         Welcome                                                      
·         Treasurer’s Report/Budget Update                                              
·         Committee Reports
·         Additional Announcements
·         Upcoming Events   
·         Questions/Comments        

In attendance: 20 parents/teachers

Leader In Me Book Discussion:
Prior to the official PTO meeting, Mrs. Tjaden facilitated a discussion of the book, Leader In Me.  The first two chapters were covered through conversation about how the idea got started, what it means to be a Leader In Me school, and efforts underway at WE/Vince Meyer. Our school is one of only 3 schools in the District who have earned this designation and are leading students through this valuable program.  This “book club” will continue starting 30 minutes before the official PTO meeting in November.    

This was the second official PTO meeting of the year.  Much work is already underway, and we are off to a great start to the school year.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget Update:
We have a budget of $8,408 for the year.  The budgeted amounts by committee are as follows:

Budgeted Amount
Book Fair
Conference Meals
Fine Arts
General Fund
Party Planning
$500 + asking for $3 per student
Teacher Appreciation
$8,408 (plus $3/student for party costs)

Program and Committee Updates - committee updates were provided by each committee chair, or if absent, by the PTO President, LuCinda Beltman. 

·         Movie Night will be held on November 14th in the Waukee Elementary gym.  The Disney movie, Maleficent, will be shown.  The event will be similar to last year where we’ll serve popcorn, candy and water.  Students can wear their PJs and bring blankets to “camp out” on the gym floor to watch the movie and enjoy a snack.  The doors will open at 6:15pm, and we plan to have Kid’s Bop music for the students to enjoy and dance to before the movie begins.  
·         Family Fun Night will be on Saturday, February 7th at Waukee Elementary.  Activities will take place in the gym, cafeteria, and in the hallways.  Various activities, including the themed basket raffle and family games are planned. 

Book Fair: The book fair will take place during spring conferences occurring Feb. 25 - March 5.  The book fair will be held in the Waukee Elementary media center.  A sign-up will go out the first of the year to request volunteers for set-up, working at the book fair, and tear-down. 

Conference Meals: We were able to secure a significant discount from our local Gusto Pizza Co. to provide pizza and salad for the teachers during conferences.  We will soon be asking for parents to donate drinks and desserts. 

Fine Arts: Again this year, students will be attending live performances at either the Temple Theatre for the Performing Arts or the Civic Center at a cost of $1 per student.  As shared in last meeting’s notes, the shows by grade level and dates of attendance are as follows:

Stella, Queen of Snow
Two children discover the world of winter in this charming story told through whimsical puppetry.  Adapted from the award-winning STELLA and SAM books
Nov. 6th
1st Grade/2nd Grade
Peking Acrobats
Based on the ancient Chinese tradition from more than 2,000 years ago, the Peking Acrobats perform astounding acrobatic feats accompanied by live music.  This group holds a world record for balancing 6 people on 6 chairs, 21-feet high.
Feb. 12th
3rd Grade
Schoolhouse Rock Live!
Megahits like “Conjunction Junction”, “Just a Bill”, “Interplanet Janet”, and “Three is a Magic Number” explode onto the stage for a whole new generation.
Nov. 4th
4th Grade
Adventures of Robin Hood
In a forest somewhere near you, a band of brothers seeks to rid the land of evil and return hope to the poorly treated.  Fire up student imaginations with this clever and unexpected take on Robin Hood.
May 20th
5th Grade
Peking Acrobats
Feb. 13th

Fundraising: This year, we had two different fundraising options in the packets – the Save Around booklet with local merchant coupons as well as the traditional Club’s Choice.  For the Club’s Choice orders, we will have a pickup night on Wednesday, November 12th from 3:30pm to 6:00pm.

The totals are still being determined, but we have estimated collecting around $34,000 in orders and cash donations.  Our profit margin from the food sales is 40% and from gift wrap and other items is 50%.  The coupon booklets also have a margin of 50% equating to roughly a 45% margin overall or $17,000 in profit.  This is slightly higher than our profit in recent years.  We still have 120 leftover Save Around books we may try to sell. 

Parent feedback about the fundraiser was positive and parents liked the option of the Save Around books.  There was one issue with misprints of the books, but this has been addressed, and there was a question about whether local locations of merchants like McDonalds and Subway would honor the coupons even though Waukee wasn’t listed as a location that will honor the coupons.    Bob, the fundraising coordinator we work with, said he’d contact local merchants to confirm, and we will be notified regarding what he hears back.  One parent commented that she’d used many already at these locations, and there were no issues.

There was a question about whether WE/Vince Meyer had considered alternative fundraising options like the mile runs that other Waukee schools are hosting.  They buy t-shirts for the students and local merchants donate supplies, and donations made by the community sponsor students on the run.  Schools have also lined up the high school band, cheerleaders, the fire department, etc. to participate.  A significant amount of funds have been raised.  This may be something to consider for future fundraising options in the coming years since we have already completed our one fundraiser this school year.

Gardening: This committee placed summer and fall flowers at the entrance to the school and again worked with the special education students to help with planting.  The upcoming projects include fixing the landscaping fence at the entrance and starting soon will be the development of the reading garden (space behind the kindergarten and art room). The materials have been delivered, and we should be done by early November.  There will also be a Phase 2 where the committee will work with Mrs. Doud, the art teacher, to use student artwork to tie into our Leader In Me theme. 

Membership: This committee coordinates school supply kits and district wide directories and is now wrapping up the delivery of the district directories to those who ordered them. 

Party planning: The first party of the year will be held on Friday, October 31st.  Each party will include a craft, snack, and a game.  There are still a few supplies needed, but the PTO will cover this cost.  Thank you to all the parents who made donations and helped with the planning and will assist at the parties. 

For our next party in December, the Winter Party, we are considering options to try to incorporate a service project as part of the party, which will allow students to demonstrate the behaviors connecting to our Leader In Me theme.  The goal is that each project will be appropriate by grade level.  Most of the funds will come from the PTO, but some items (for example, if we collect books to donate to shelters, can come from parent donations or through purchasing at a discount book store).  We may also ask the students help wrap the books.  At this point many ideas are being considered.

If anyone has ideas about any organization that can benefit from our assistance, please send your ideas to LuCinda Beltman.  Some ideas mentioned in the meeting include: the food pantry (birthday party materials, food, etc.), YESS, or maybe donating to Blank Children’s Hospital on one of our student’s behalf who may need to use these services.

An informational flyer will go out the second week of December sharing our plans.

Teacher Appreciation: Instead of doing teacher treats this year, the PTO decided to purchase teacher “Leader In Me” books for all teachers.  This will help them facilitate the student learning of the leadership concepts in the book.

Yearbook: Planning for this year’s yearbook is underway.  Last year, we sold 335 yearbooks, 90 with personalized covers at a slightly higher price.  Each had 44 pages.  This year, we’re going with a 40-page option to keep costs lower.  We anticipate the cost will be the same at $15 for the basic yearbook and $20 for the personalized cover. 

The group was asked if they wanted the autograph pages at the end of the yearbook.  Most said they didn’t need these and to include pictures instead.  The group also voted on the cover for the yearbook and chose “Words to Live By” as the cover title to connect to the Leader In Me effort.  For now, we are collecting photos from teachers and from the 4th and 5th grade student photographers.    

Program Updates:
·         Box tops – Please send in your box tops, or you can save them for an upcoming competition between classes in January.
·         Sunny D – The Kindergarten through 4th grade classes will be using Sunny D for their Fall party.  We will turn in the labels (20 labels = 20 books) for the book spree which runs through November 30th
·         Labels for Education – We are collecting these labels on foods, mostly Campbells.  We earn double points from now until November 15th.     
·         Pizza Ranch, Tyson, – no update

Additional Announcement: Our Giving Trees will go up before fall conferences.  On the trees will be ornaments listing requested items needed by local families in need.  Parents who wish to participate should take an ornament(s), purchase the item(s), and then return the item(s) to school.  Both trees will include items that will go to our own WE/Vince Meyer families in need. 

In the past, we had also partnered with the Waukee Police who sponsored families in need by giving them names of families in our schools.  However, the individual who had coordinated this in the past has retired, so we won’t have as many families receiving assistance this year (2 vs 40 in the past). 

Therefore, if you know of other organizations looking to sponsor a family, please contact Mrs. Tjaden who can give you the names and needs of our local families to ensure we can help as many families as possible.  This could be for specific items, or if an organization/group would want to adopt an entire family, this can be arranged as well.  We also plan to reach out to local churches proactively to ask if they’d be willing to assist.

Upcoming Dates:
·         Fall harvest party is October 31st;, - 2:30 to 3:15 pm (see Mrs. Tjaden’s note about coming by to pre-register to get in the system to speed up the sign-in process; if not in the system, will need to bring your ID before you’re allowed to be in the school)
·         Fall fundraising delivery on November 12th in the gym (3:30 to 6pm)
·         Family movie night on November 14th, at 6:15 pm in the gym

Next PTO Meeting: Monday, 11/24 at 7pm; Before the meeting at 6:30pm, Mrs. Tjaden will be leading the second Leader In Me book study.  Please read chapters 3-4 for this discussion.

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