Our PTO Motto:

Our PTO Motto:
The practice of people working together to improve the quality of school-life for all students, teachers and families.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


ONLINE ORDERING... Now Open for School Supply Kits!!! 
Now through June 1st --- ORDER your K-8th Grade SCHOOL SUPPLY KITS for the 2012-2013 School Year!

 Simply, ORDER NOW & PICK UP Kits at Back to School Night in August!!!! 

See Online Order information with SCHOOL CODES below (Waukee Elementary Code is... WAU016) 
Proceeds from School Suply Kits sold - help our local PTOs - depending on which building you child(ren) attend!

Order Securely Online 
Until June 1st 
1. Go to www.epipacks.com

2. Enter School ID your child will attend in the fall:
BRO174 (Brookview) 
EAS184 (Eason)
MAP025 (Maple Grove)
SHU014 (Shuler),
WAL142 (Walnut Hills)
WAU016 (Waukee Elem.),
WAU024 (Waukee Middle), or
WAU023 (Waukee South Middle)

3. Follow the directions to complete your order.

4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.

Monday, April 2, 2012

District PTO Slate Vote --- TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD 7-8 PM

District PTO Slate Vote

The Waukee Community School’s District Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is looking for volunteers to fill various leadership positions:

·      Vice Presidents for each school
·      District President
·      District Secretary
·      District Treasurer
All district positions are elected positions.  The election will take place on April 3rd from 7-8 p.m. at the Waukee School District Conference room.  Any parent with a child in the Waukee School District is encouraged to come vote.

According to the Waukee District PTO bylaws a person filling either the District President position or Building VP must be filled by a current or past PTO board member.  In the event a person is seeking to be a CO-VP and does not fulfill the requirement, the other CO-VP must be a current or past District or Building PTO Board Member.

Parents interested in the above listed district positions should call or e-mail Ginnie Coleman at 771-4083 or waukeedistrictpto@gmail.com.  Notification regarding interest in these positions must be submitted by March 27th.