Our PTO Motto:

Our PTO Motto:
The practice of people working together to improve the quality of school-life for all students, teachers and families.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 20, 2015 PTO meeting minutes

Waukee Elementary/Vince Meyer Learning Center
       PTO Meeting – Monday, April 20th, 2015

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Committee/Program Updates/Year in Review
  • PTO Openings
  • Update from Ms. Tjaden
  • Questions/Comments

In attendance: 10 parents/staff

Treasurer’s Report
We have spent $7,137 of the $9,804 budget for the year.  As a reminder, the PTO also presented Ms. Tjaden with a check for $10,000 in January.

A summary of the year’s events is outlined below for each committee for the 2014-2015 school year.

  • Movie night – Maleficent (100 attending)
  • Family Fun Night – basket raffle and various fun events
  • Science Fair (45 students participating)

Book Fair:
  • Total sales: $10,000 or approx. 2180 books sold
  • Roughly 290 books sent to classrooms and WE library
  • $117 in coins from Under the Sea coin drop game
  • $2,160 in profits going toward future author visit

Conference Meals:
  • Fall: Gusto pizza for main meal with parent donations of drinks and snacks
  • Spring: Baked potato bar from Iowa Machine Shed for main meal with parent donations of toppings, drinks and snacks throughout the week

Fine Arts:
All grades attended a show at the Civic Center as part of their Applause series.  The following shows were attended by each grade:
  • Kindergarten: Stella, Queen of Snow
  • 1-2: Peking Acrobats
  • 3: Schoolhouse Rock
  • 4: Adventures of Robin Hood (last class to go May 20th)
  • 5: Peking Acrobats

Emily Colwell, Fine Arts Chair, and LuCinda Beltman will be attending a preview of next year’s shows with the chance to purchase tickets for next year’s Fine Arts activity before the tickets go on sale to the public.  

  • Two different options were offered this year: Save Around booklet and Club’s Choice
  • In total, we raised just over $16,000 and students attended an AcroDunk assembly as a reward for their efforts
  • As for next year, we are in a contract with Bob for Club’s Choice, but we do have the option to do Save Around book next year
  • Considering two additional options for next year: local restaurant fundraising nights where a portion of sales goes to the school and a Waukee Elementary Fun Run

  • Recently worked on front bed to uncover 15 plants
  • Repaired metal planters at front entry
  • Will add potting soil to all planters
  • Working on date to plant flowers with special education students in May

Ms. Tjaden said a group of 5th grade students also wanted to get involved with the reading garden to give something back.  They came up with an idea to build a “little free library” (for more information on this concept, click here.)  This is a concept where the community can share their favorite books.  They worked with a teacher at Vince Meyer and Ms. Tjaden’s brother, an industrial tech teacher at the high school, to design and build the library.    

In addition, the art leadership group, along with Mrs. Doud, is planning to install artistic poles as a tribute to each of the 7 habits.  

Membership: No update this meeting.

Party planning: Parties are complete for this school year. There were 3 parties:
  • Fall: costumes, games S’mores and crafts
  • Winter: donated blankets and scarves for YESS, Cards for elderly and deployed troops and wrapped 350 books for distribution to children plus snacks, games, and crafts
  • Valentine’s:  frosted cookies, candy, games and traded Valentine’s cards

Teacher Appreciation:
  • Purchased a copy of The Leader in Me for each teacher

  • Roughly 320 sold
  • Delivery in May

Program Updates:
Box tops – $2,648.20 earned from winter drive which was paid to our school on 4/15 with the total for the year at $4,709.29
Labels for Education – Earned 35,000 points for teachers to order school merchandise; order will be placed the first part of May

2015/2106 PTO Openings:
  • Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Gardening Chair
  • Yearbook Chair

Please consider volunteering as without volunteers for Gardening and Yearbook, these committees will not be formed for next school year.  Contact LuCinda Beltman if you can donate your time and talents to these important committees.

Update from Ms. Tjaden:
  • Boundary Committee:  New boundaries must be formed due to the opening of a new elementary school.  The public forum was held this past week to seek community input.  A formal board-appointed boundary committee will meet this Spring and Fall with recommendations shared before winter break.  We have 3 parent reps for Waukee Elementary on the committee, and they, in conjunction with the rest of the committee and an outside consultant, will consider feedback from the community and their own ideas around priorities (keeping neighborhoods intact, keeping the same feeder schools, diversity of the student building population, how long boundaries in place, etc.) to come up with the boundary recommendations.
  • For next school year, 5th grade will be back at Waukee Elementary.  
  • Mrs. Ferguson is on maternity leave; she will be out the rest of the school year.  For next fall, Mrs. Ferguson will be moving to Walnut Hills (and Vince Meyer) to be their assistant principal.  We will be sharing an assistant principal with Eason Elementary – Matt Robee.  There are various other staffing changes underway too, and Ms. Tjaden will send a note in the fall about these staffing changes.  
  • The Leader In Me effort has been very successful this year.  One aspect the teachers have discussed is how to collaborate with the community and local businesses to a greater degree.  However, before asking for their assistance, the school wanted to showcase all the great work and impact being seen from the Leader In Me program so they could see first-hand how the program is working.
  • The team will be hosting a Leadership Day on April 30th, which will highlight the Leader In Me efforts.  Throughout the day, local business representatives will see presentations, student performances, visit classrooms, etc. to learn more about the seven habits and how it’s having an impact at Waukee Elementary/Vince Meyer.

Closing comments from LuCinda, PTO Vice President:
A big thank you to each and every one of you who has helped make this year such a success!