Our PTO Motto:

Our PTO Motto:
The practice of people working together to improve the quality of school-life for all students, teachers and families.

Monday, May 12, 2014

2013-2014 Directories on Sale...

This is your last chance to purchase a 2013-14 Waukee CSD Directory.
Summer will be here soon and you don't want to lose contact with all your school buddies.

Order now! Directories are $10.
Please contact rouse1800@msn.com with your directory order, child's name and school.

Waukee District PTO

School Supply Kits for Fall - ON SALE NOW!!!!!!

School Supply Kits for Fall - ON SALE NOW for 
Waukee Elementary & Vince Meyer
Order Deadline : June 16th, 2014 
ORDER ONLINE: The website is live @ www.epipacks.com  

Use School ID:  
 WAU016 for Waukee Elementary (K-4th grade) &  
MEY019 for Vince Meyer (incoming 5th graders)

Forms will also be sent home mid-May!