Our PTO Motto:

Our PTO Motto:
The practice of people working together to improve the quality of school-life for all students, teachers and families.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Mark Your Calendars...

Come Celebrate the New Year... with your Family!!!

Friday, January 10th
Waukee Elementary GYM
Ø Doors Will Open @ 6:15 pm
Ø Previews & Movie will start @ 6:30 pm
Featuring- Monsters University 

Feel free to bring a blanket & wear your PJs & slippers!!!

Complimentary Refreshments Provided

~ Sponsored by WE/VMLC PTO ~

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


First of All...THANK YOU to everyone that assisted in our successful fall fundraiser with Club's Choice & for the 
food/snack donations this week for the teachers and staff as p/t conferences are in session!!! 
We are also extremely grateful to Waukee Hy-Vee for catering a meal this Thursday for our staff!!! 
Together we raised over $18,000 that will continue to help support our school & PTO in so many ways!!
Mrs. Tjaden has a fun surprise to share with the students at an upcoming assembly!!!

Thanks for making a BIG difference. 


Mark Your Calendars:
  • Next PTO Meeting- Tuesday, January 14th @ 7pm in the W.E. Media Center!
  • Friday, January 10th -  FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 pm @ Waukee Elementary Gym 
(Monster's University... bring a blanket & wear your PJs & slippers)
  • Saturday, February 1st - FAMILY FUN NIGHT "WE Got Talent" @ Prairieview


We Need Your Help – Save-the-Date

The Waukee Board of Education is calling for a special election to fund construction of a new elementary school at the intersection of Dartmoor and Douglas Parkway in Waukee.
We need your help. Please mark your calendars to vote “yes” on February 4, 2014.  You can also vote by absentee ballot

Waukee Community District continues to be the fastest growing district in Iowa. For more than five years we have averaged 466 new students per year with about 209 of those at the elementary level.

It is critical to vote “yes” now to create more classroom space to accommodate the rapid growth and avoid school overcrowding. Increased enrollment is not dependent on the availability of facilities. Building needs will continue to increase with time and potentially cost more to solve if we wait.

This vote does NOT raise taxes. The passage of the school levy portion of property taxes will remain unchanged at $16.58. (The school district does not set any other tax rates.) 
Please share this information with others and encourage them to save-the-date. If you are interested in receiving an absentee ballot, please fill out the request form and mail to:
Auditor, 910 Court Street, Adel, IA 50003

Provided by Waukee for Excellence in Education committee.